馃摐 Paper Acceptance in "IROS'24"!
October 07, 2024 at 12:30
I am delighted to share that our paper has been accepted in 14th Workshop on Planning, Perception and Navigation for Intelligent Vehicles in IROS'24 (pre-print)!
I am delighted to share that our paper has been accepted in 14th Workshop on Planning, Perception and Navigation for Intelligent Vehicles in IROS'24 (pre-print)!
I am excited to share that our paper titled "Vision-Based Situational Graphs Exploiting Fiducial Markers for the Integration of Semantic Entities" has been accepted and publicly available in MDPI Robotics journal (pre-print, DOI)!
I am thrilled to share that our paper titled "Visual SLAM: What Are the Current Trends and What to Expect?" has been selected as an "Editor's Choice Article" in MDPI Sensors journal (annoucement, link to the paper)!
I am very happy to announce that our paper has been accepted and available in Elsevier's Image and Vision Computing journal (pre-print, DOI)!
I am happy to share that our paper has been accepted for presentation in the ICUAS'24 conference (read the pre-print)! See you in Chania, Greece!
I am happy to annouce that we will present our Late Breaking Results on the ongling project vS-Graphs at ICRA'24 conference!
馃摐 Happy to say that my author-level metric (h-index) reached 10 with 250+ citations on my Google Scholar profile, reflecting my collaborations' impact in the communities of robotics and computer vision.
馃摐 I am enthusiastic to annouce that our paper has been accepted for presentation in the main track of the IROS'23 Conference, a highly prestigious event in the field of robotics. The paper proposes a robust usage of fiducial markers for better scene understanding, when combined with a visual SLAM framework. Check out the pre-print here!
馃摐 I am happy to annouce that our recent paper has been accepted for presentation in the workshop of Active Methods in Autonomous Navigation in ICRA 2023, London. The paper introduces a novel approach for visual SLAM adapted to situational graphs for hierarchical scene representation. Read more about the approach here.
馃摐 I am thrilled to share that our recent survey focusing on the concept of "Situational Awareness" in Robotics is publicly available in the Sensors journal. Check out the paper in this link!
馃摐 Excited to share the publication of my first survey paper in robotics as a doctoral researcher! It is openly available now in the Sensors journal. The paper discusses the current trends and future directions in Visual SLAM. Check out the paper here!
馃摐 I am proud to announce that our paper has been accepted for publication in Light: Science & Applications (Nature publications) as part of an exciting interdisciplinary project, titled TRANSCEND! Check the paper here!
馃 Happy to share that I have earned my Open Category UAS Pilot Certificate (A1/A3) from the Luxembourg Direction de l'Aviation Civile! The certificate allows me to operate drones for low-risk environments, aiding me in my robotics research purposes.
馃摐 Thrilled to announce that our paper has been accepted to @ACMRecSys'22, one of the top conferences in the field of Recommender Systems! Read the pre-print on arXiv!
馃搱 Excited to share that my publications have reached 100 citations on Google Scholar! Grateful for the collaborative efforts and the impact we are making in the robotics community.
馃殌 Thrilled to announce the start of my journey as a Doctoral Researcher with the Automation and Robotics Group (ARG) at the SnT research center, University of Luxembourg! Looking forward to contributing to exciting advancements in robotics!